something to blog about,
i haven't posted in such a long time and i am sorry. This summer has been so busy for me
I honestly haven't had a second of spare time, i have been doing a lot of big Big BIG projects in the house and uhh its been crazy. so anyways along with the post. highschool. period just the thought that tomorrow i will be going to the highschool makes me really excited and hyper inside !!! i can't wait , i want it to be the most fun year yet. and here are some things about highschool that im excited and not so excited about,
i got my braces off !!! so no more tinsel teeth in pics
i was shoe shopping today and i picked the cutest pair of cut-off boots with only like a 2 inch heel and my sister is like " freshmen don't wear heels, you'll get made fun of" and im like crapx10 ! i was excited about wearing more fashionable things but apparently freshmen's choices are limited, so i opted for some (like 10) ballet flats and 2 flat cut-off boots
hopefully the food will be better than the middle school's
intro to theater ! i heard that its super fun and its my first class of the day, YAY !
- i love how that just rhymed
boys (now that they got out of their puberty stage (well most of them))
making new friends. Not that i don't love Love LOVE my friends right now , but i want to make more and hopefully with such a huge class of students i will be able to find even more people with the same intrests/ideas/awesomeness as me !
with love,